I found interesting quote and wanted to share for you. This quotes is writing by Ven. Shangpa Rinpoche. I hope you will like it.
"Diligence is always an important goal because without effort one cannot go forward towards the
Path. It is just like without wind, a boat does not move. Therefore, we have to develop diligence in order to progress in our development more rapidly. How do we recognize diligence? A practitioner who has diligence is one who has a certain kind of joy towards the Path. That is the recognition of diligence. Once you have the joy, once you are clear and once you know that this is a very good thing towards the Path , diligence will naturally come. We don't have to put so much effort to do it. But once you have the joy, once you have that interest, then you will develop it accordingly. Joy towards the path is the meaning of Diligence."